Compare the Best NPS Tools for Which One's Right for You?

When it comes to understanding customer loyalty and improving the overall customer experience, Net Promoter score has become truly a recognized metric.

By using the Best NPS Tools, you gather feedback, understand customer satisfaction and also determine how likely your customers are to recommend your product or service to others.

However, before you choose Best NPS Survey Software, it is really important for you to understand the basics.

This survey software is actually a specialized platform that helps to design, distribute and analyze the Net Promoter score surveys.

The survey basically asks a single question to rate from 0 to 10 on how likely you are to recommend a product or service to others. The responses further help you categorize your customers into promoters, passives or detractors.

You can use the software to automate the collection and analysis of the survey data. This is what makes the process really easy for you to monitor the customer sentiment and take action accordingly.

By using the Best NPS software, you can track the overall performance, improve customer retention and also improve your products or services based on valuable feedback.

In this guide you will learn everything about what Net Promoter Score software is all about and a list of the best survey tools.

Now let’s look at the list of the top 5 NPS survey platforms.

Here are some of the best platforms that can help you create, share and analyze your NPS Surveys. Each of them offers unique features to cater to your business requirements.


SurveyCXM tops the list of the most powerful tools for measuring customer satisfaction through the Net Promoter score. It helps you understand customer loyalty by analyzing their willingness to recommend your brand to others. With features like real time feedback and detailed analytics, our tool ensures that your business stays ahead of customer expectations and of course market trends.


It is one of the most prominent survey platforms that also supports surveys. It offers a perfect interface making it really easy for your business to create custom surveys with different question formats. With SurveyMonkey you can distribute surveys via email, social media and web links. Moreover, you can also analyze the responses through the comprehensive reporting dashboard.


Delighted is designed to simplify the customer feedback collection easier and more effectively. It allows you to send out the surveys via email, SMS and web links in a matter of minutes. The automation software feature helps you gather constant feedback and its strong analytics provide insights into customer sentiment. Integration with the systems further strengthens its huge unity in maintaining your customer relationships.


Refiner is a powerful software customized for digital products. Its customization options allow you to send the surveys that resonate with your brand identity. It provides you detailed segmentation capabilities helping your target specific customer groups based on responses. It also includes in-depth analytics that identify the trends and patterns in your customer feedback.

It specializes in delivering NPS surveys and tracking customer loyalty over time. The platform is especially designed for you if you want deep insights into your customer's experiences. It also offers you advanced automation features like detailed reporting data segmentation that allows you to identify detractors and promoters while addressing issues proactively.

Let’s now learn the different types of scores you can identify with these surveys.

Different types of Net Promoter Scores


This type of survey helps you measure the overall sentiment and loyalty of your customers based on the long-term relationship with your business. You can send the survey annually or quarterly to understand how your entire customer base feels about your brand.


It is used to collect the feedback instantly after a customer interaction like making a purchase or reaching out to customer support. This type of survey is important for identifying issues within the specific transactions.

Employer Net Promoter score

No doubt traditional surveys focus on customers but employer Net Promoter scores are designed to measure employee satisfaction and loyalty. It helps you understand how likely your employees we'll recommend your workplace to others, providing valuable insight into your organizational health and culture.

 Understanding Customer Satisfaction with NPS Survey tools

Improved customer retention

These tools help you identify detractors that are the customers who are unhappy with the experience. By addressing the concerns you can reduce the churn and increase customer loyalty. Furthermore promoters can also help you encourage positive word of mouth marketing.

Data driven decision making

The NPS survey tools provide data that allow you to make informed decisions about customer experience strategies. With advanced analytics and reporting you can spot trends and uncover pain points and also make adjustments to improve the overall satisfaction.

Customized customer engagement

By analyzing survey data you can segment customers based on the feedback. It allows for more customized marketing, improved customer service and targeted retention strategies. It all ensures that every customer receives an experience tailored to their specific requirements.

So above all you need to know that choosing the right NPS tool for your business is important to understand your customers needs improving satisfaction and building loyalty.

Learning about the different types of Net Promoter scores allows you to set up better insights into customer loyalty and employee loyalty.

Ultimately the software equips you with the data-driven tools that you need to optimize customer experiences and provide long term success.

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